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TIKZN levels up at EDTEA awards

2023-06-29 15:13:47

Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal has been recognized by the provincial government for improvement in the B-BBEE scorecard, moving three levels up in just one year.

This comes after the Department of Economic Development, Tourism, and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) conducted a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) verification exercise for the 14 provincial departments and the 12 EDTEA entities.

TIKZN was conferred the award by EDTEA MEC Siboniso Duma at a ceremony held in Durban on 4 May. The entity was honoured for progress from a level 7 to a level 4 B-BBEE contributor in the 2021/2022 financial year. “I am proud of this achievement and all the hard work that went into reaching it. We will continue to strive for level one, not just to be compliant but more importantly, to play our part in the  advancement of  economic transformation,” said Neville Matjie, Chief Executive Officer.

The overall score was boosted by improvements in management, skills development, enterprise and supplier development  and socio-economic development, with each the responsibility of different staff members.

Matjie thanked these staff members including Zamasomi Msomi, TIKZN Chief Executive Officer, who spearheaded the efforts in areas such as recruitment, learnerships, and supplier development.

“Despite budgetary constraints, we found creative and innovative ways to execute what was required for us to level up and improve on our score,” said Msomi. “I am a strong believer in making an impact and B-BBEE is not only about compliance but about empowerment and going about our business in an impactful way. It has become ingrained in the organizational culture,” she added.

TIKZN is committed to the continued pursuit of transformation and economic empowerment of people who were previously denied such opportunities. “As a government entity, we cannot be part of a government which is working to redress the inequalities of the past and not comply ourselves, we have to practice what we preach and not just expect B-BBEE compliance only of the private sector.  I am especially passionate about this because promoting equitable opportunities will reshape the countryÂ’s economic landscape and lead to economic growth, the creation of jobs and reduction of poverty in a sustainable and inclusive way,” said Msomi.
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