Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal... “Walking The Journey With You."
Operating in a highly competitive business environment, Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal recognises the importance of attracting,
developing and maintaining high-calibre talent, with the requisite skills and passion to make a meaningful impact on the trade and
investment environment.
The organisation employs a sound recruitment and selection practice to attract, develop and retain well-qualified and ambitious
members of staff - vital to maintaining the organisation's competitive edge in the global trade and investment sector.
The organisation's strategic intent is to enable high levels of staff satisfaction and motivation, translating to heightened
productivity levels and the achievement of client satisfaction. This, the organisation achieves by continuously striving to
enhance the internal organisational climate in the overriding quest to develop a high-performance culture within Trade & Investment
The organisation considers itself fortunate to have in place a motivated staff complement, the members of which embrace the
importance of continuous learning and the need to constantly up-skill themselves.