Investment Incentives

  • Trade Agreements

Trade Agreements

A number of agreements which provide for preferential market access into South African as well as for South African products into other markets, have been concluded or are in the process of being negotiated with other countries and trading blocs.

These include:

  • Bi-lateral agreements (Non-reciprocal);
  • Trade agreement between the Governments of the Republic of South Africa and Zimbabwe;
  • Trade agreement between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Malawi, providing for preferential access of specific products subject to specific origin requirements and quota permits;.
  • Preferential dispensation for goods entering South Africa (Non-reciprocal);
  • Goods produced or manufactured in the People’s Republic of Mozambique (rebate item 412,25), providing for free or reduced duties, subject to specific origin requirements free or preferential trade agreements (FTAs and PTAs) (Reciprocal); and
  • TDCA agreement on trade, development and co-operation between the European community and its member states, of the one part, and the Republic of South Africa, on the other part, which was implemented in January 2000.

Contact Details

  • Mr Sihle Ngcamu
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • CEO
  • 1 Arundel Close, Durban, KZN, 4001
  • +27 31 368 9600
  • Contact Mr Sihle Ngcamu
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