One-on-one consultations are offered to companies, through which Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal services are introduced. Such linkages promote better understanding of company needs and enable the identification of potential challenges and the unpacking of prospective opportunities for referral to other units or entities.
Site visits are conducted in order to gain greater insight with regard to the operations of companies and to establish levels of readiness for exports, in terms of both capacity and capability. Visits also provide the opportunity to review manufacturing processes and products available for export.
KZN Export Information Portal:
The KZN Export Information Portal was developed with the aim of sharing information and assisting in the promotion of export products and services from KwaZulu-Natal, thus increasing the generation of foreign revenue and the stimulation of the local economy. This portal is an easy-to-use online resource that not only showcases products and services which are exportable from KwaZulu-Natal, but also provides a streamlined point of access for relevant export-related information. The recently improved registration process is simple and provides a step- by-step process for company registration and the upload of their product and company information at no cost.
Decision Support Model Report:
The Decision Support Model (DSM) tool is a quantitative tool using trade data and various filters to determine potential export opportunities for products into various markets. The global trade data enables one to review trade flows between countries and then zoom into the trade flows of specific products, which are identifiable by international tariff codes. The DSM tool incorporates various filters, including economic and political risk, size and growth of the market, competition in the market, the accessibility of a market and the maturity of a market, as well as that market’s ability or capacity to supply. The DSM tool is an exceptionally useful instrument for the identification of market opportunities globally for company products, whilst also providing a good reference against which to prioritise marketing efforts, based on the value and size of available opportunities. The tool provides sound information which companies are able to utilise for the development of their export marketing strategies and forms the basis of and guidance for further research, should this be required.
Online Information Resource:
Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal makes use of a range of online information resources, such as Business Monitor International (BMI), Quantec Research, Ezee-Dex, Trade-Map, Who Owns Whom and the like in order to source information for companies, based on qualified enquiries.
- A series of regional and country-based information sessions are held during the course of the year. The purpose behind such sessions is to highlight existing opportunities in various countries and regions and to promote trade events that may be scheduled in these markets. Information sessions often also include trade regulations and case- studies of companies which have successfully accessed these markets.
- Closed Master Class sessions are held during the course of the year, focusing on the top 20 to 30 export companies in KwaZulu-Natal. These sessions, which include representation from Government departments and parastatal entities, aim to create a discussion platform between Government and the private sector with regard to key challenges and areas for improvement that would positively contribute to an increase in exports from KwaZulu-Natal.
Outward Selling Mission (OSM):
Outward Selling Missions focus on trade delegations seeking new export markets. Typically these missions would involve a conference or seminar followed by business-to- business meetings and site visits involving interested companies. Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal's OSMs are missions initiated and facilitated by the organisation, while Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) OSMsare missions initiated by the dti, although Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal may still facilitate participation by KwaZulu-Natal-based companies. Primary Market Research (PMR) is also a form of trade mission, but in this case, is undertaken by an individual company and not as part of a delegation.
Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal facilitates company participation at local and international events scheduled throughout the year. Local events are used to promote inter-provincial trade, whilst also offer emerging exporters the opportunity to sharpen their skills through promoting their offerings prior to embarking on international events. Various types of exhibition platforms exist, inclusive of Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal Pavilions, which are co-ordinated by our the organisation, National Pavilions, co-ordinated by the dti and Individual Exhibitions, which are embarked upon by individual companies.
Inward missions are hosted and co-ordinated in conjunction with various stakeholders, including the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as with the Department of International Relations and Co-operation (DIRCO). These inward missions involve conferences or seminars, followed by business-to-business meetings and site visits to interested companies and key infrastructure assets.
There are two permanent exhibitions in which Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal is involved, namely the China Permanent Exhibition, in Dongguan, China, and the USA Lifestyle Hub, in Atlanta, USA. These exhibitions generally host KwaZulu-Natal products for the duration of the year, stimulating export orders and stock replenishment. It is envisaged that KwaZulu-Natal products will be rotated on an ongoing basis, so affording new companies the opportunity to also participate, while simultaneously promoting successful exporters.
Various provincial and national export incentives are available. Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal facilitates access to the offering detailed below:
EMIA Incentives - A number of incentives are available from the dti. Incentives focused on export development include the Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) Scheme, and which include the following:
- National Pavilions;
- Sector Specific Assistance Scheme (SSAS);
- Outward Selling Mission (OSM), Investment and Trade Initiatives ;
- Primary Market Research (PMR); and
- Individual Exhibition Assistance.
Two provincial incentives are administered by Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal.
TIKZN’s Black Economic Empowerment Financial Assistance (BEEFA) - This is an incentive that covers 60% of the cost of travel and accommodation for approved applicants to travel to a foreign market for business purposes, such as exhibition participation, business-to-business meetings, follow-ups on trade missions, leads or concluding export sales agreements.
TIKZN’s Technical Assistance Fund (TAF), - This is a non-repayable grant of up to 50% of qualifying costs incurred in the development of a specific initiative that would lead to the fulfilment of an export order. A maximum grant of up to R250 000 may be awarded per project.