
  • Our Services

Services for Exporters

  • Exporters will be assisted to register their companies - we will help you identify the type of registration you need to make, supply application forms and guidance; and provide assistance in completion of documents; as well as advise you on lodgment of application and keep track of the progress of your registrations.
  • We will ensure you understand the customs tariff classification of goods for export, and where applicable, we will facilitate export permit requirements as well as F178 - banking requirements. We also ensure that you are informed about stoppage and examination of cargo by customs, and regulations relating to VAT for zero rating of export suppliers.

Export Promotion Services

Export Consultation:

Site Visit:

KZN Export Information Portal:

Decision Support Model Report:

Online Information Resource:

Market Development:

Outward Selling Mission (OSM):


Inward Missions:

Permanent Exhibition:

Export Incentives:

TIKZN Incentives:

Export Development

Export Awareness Workshops:

Emerging Exporter Programme:

Advanced Export Programme

Export Finance Workshops:

Product Development Workshops:

Export Mentorship:

Export Exposure Programme:

Export Promotion Team
